A-NDC is the name of the new mid-power bipolar microstep drive, specifically developed for applications sensitive to acoustic noise and vibration with STEP&DIRECTION interface (pulse train). The high precision microstep feature enables the system to reach 12.800 steps/revolution. It is characterized by a medium power range (up to 85 Vdc, 6 Amps), maximum compactness and great usage flexibility. All models are equipped with chopper systems featuring high performance mosfet power stage and protections for short circuit, overvoltage and temperature. Intelligent management of the current profile, in connection with adaptive microstepping innovative feature, achieves good results in terms of smoothness of movement.
* Version: open frame drive in 101 x 94 x 25 mm, equipped with screw-type connectors..
* Range of operating voltages: 24-85 VDC.
* Range of current: 0.6 -2 Amps. Setting up to eight possible values by means of a dip-switch.
* Microstepping: 400, 800, 1.600, 3.200, 6.400 and 12.800 steps/revolution. Setting by means of a dip- switch.
* Management of the current profile setting by means of a dip-switch.
* Automatic current reduction at motor standstill.
* Protections:
-Protection against under-voltage and over-voltage.
-Protection against a short-circuit at motor outputs.
-Overtemperature protection with thermal sensor.
* Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction.
* Adaptive microstepping.
* Optoinsulated inputs to ensure best EM noise immunity.
* Warranty: 24 months.